
Dreamwear Full Face

Simply switch cushions without changing masks. Choosing the right mask for your patients is one of the most difficult jobs you face. The nonstop trial and error involving the masks, cushions, and headgear needed to fit your patients becomes tedious and time consuming. Now, DreamWear’s mask design allows you to quickly and easily switch between nasal and gel pillows cushions without changing masks. With fewer mask decisions to make, you can focus on what’s really important: your patients. DreamWear: Like wearing nothing at all.

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  • Patients can sleep how they want with the freedom and comfort of DreamWear
  • The frame supports full face, nasal and gel pillow cushions to meet patients’ needs.
  • Directs airflow through the frame so patients can sleep comfortably
  • The tubing connection is located at the top of the head and allows patients to sleep in any position they desire – on their stomach, side, or back.